
Speed up your Python code using Julia
Speed up your Python code …

I worked on this blog post working for the Netherlands eScience Center. This is the second part of a three-part series. Co-authored by Faruk Diblen. Check the blog post here.

How to call Julia code from Python
How to call Julia code …

I worked on this blog post working for the Netherlands eScience Center. This is the first part of a three-part series. Co-authored by Faruk Diblen. Check the blog post here.

cffinit: NOW is the time …

I worked on this blog post working for eScience Center. Co-authored by Faruk Diblen. Check the blog post here.

Migração do site para …

Update 2022-12-30: Já não uso mais Franklin.jl. Há algum tempo o Jekyll tem me dado trabalho. Como não sou usuário de Ruby, volta e meia falta alguma coisa na minha instalação e eu passo horas tentando corrigir o problema pra fazer meu site rodar localmente. Para o CiDAMO, eu considerei o Hugo, já …

Koch snowflakes for the …

Code for these images. I hope you’re familiar with the Koch curve fractal or snowflake. It essentially consists taking a line segment, splitting it in three, and substituting the middle part by two segments that form an equilateral triangle without the base. From one segment you obtain four. …

Package Development in …

This is a quick post on package development in Julia 1.0. Let me know if you’re interested in more, and what. Suppose you’re developing a package - say, MyPackage.jl - whether from scratch, or updating from Julia 0.6. First, and foremost, you need to be able to run and test it. On Julia …

Optimizing the Dollar …

I just watched The Dollar Game - Numberphile, in which a game involving graphs is presented. I recommend you watch the video for complete information. The game involves a graph with integer values on its nodes, positive and negative. For instance, the following graph: Each node corresponds to a …

My experience in the …

Last week I had the pleasure of being invited to the Second annual JuMP-dev workshop, which happened in June 27-29, 2018 at Bordeaux, France. I’ve presented the packages from the Julia Smooth Optimizers organization, and had a very good time meeting with the JuMP developers. For those still …

Introduction to …

The comparison of algorithms is an active area of work. When we start learning algorithms, or more advanced programming, we learn of different ways of doing the same complex task. The most usual first example is sorting, which introduces a series of different ways to sort a single array, such as …